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Registered Charity supporting Bristol Hospitals.
The Charitable Trusts for the United Bristol Hospitals is the registered charity supporting the hospitals, wards and departments within the United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust (UBHT) consisting of: - Bristol Royal Infirmary - Bristol Royal Hospital for Children - St. Michaels Hospital - Bristol General Hospital - Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre - Bristol Eye Hospital - Bristol Dental Hospital - Keynsham Hospital - Bristol Homoeopathic Hospital - Bristol South and West Primary Care Trust We exist to complement the UBHT and its associated primary care services in Bristol by supporting medical research and providing medical equipment not covered by the NHS. As a registered charity, we can only continue our programme of support due to the generosity and kindness of our donors.
UK Based Organisation:
Telephone: 0117 927 7120
Registered Charity No: 229945
Region: South West

:: Created: 15 03 2006 :: Updated: 01 11 2008 :: :: Rating: 0.00 (0 votes) ::
:: Clicks this month: 3 :: Clicks in this month: 0 :: Clicks total: 251 :: Clicks in total: 0 ::

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