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Welcome to the UK Charities directory, providing details of hundreds of UK charities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Charities receive a free listing in our directory
 Animals - Domestic (89)
Charities helping UK domestic (not wildlife) animals.

 Animals - Wildlife (43)
Charities helping UK wild (not domestic) animals.

 Benevolent Funds (40)
Please add your Benevolent Fund listing here.

 Community Care (24)
Community Care Charities and organisations.

 Education (5)
Charities working in the field of education.

 Environment (30)
Charities helping the UK Environment.

 Ex Services (1)
Charities helping Ex Services.

 Grant Giving Charities (0)

 Maritime (3)
Maritime charities working in the UK.

 Medical Charities (29)
Medical Charities working in the UK.

 Overseas (17)
Charities working overseas but based in the UK.

 People - Adults (12)
Charities working with Adults in the UK.

 People - Children (23)
Charities working with Children in the UK.

 Recycling (2)
Charities involved in recycling and waste management in the UK.

 Sports (2)
Sport Related Charities.

 Technology (0)
Charities working in the field of technology.

 Transport (5)
Charities working in the field of transport including biking, cycling and road safety organisations.

 Voluntary Services (3)
Voluntary services working in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Please submit your link to the correct category. It will be added to any other appropriate category when it is added to the directory.

 X Products, Services and Suppliers for Charities (4)
Charity suppliers : Organisations providing products andservices for charities

 Z - Awaiting Category (1)
Awaiting Category

 Asking for Help (1)
Request help for your charity

 Fund Raising Tips (1)
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 UK Charities Announcements (2)
Announcements from UK Charities - Please Read


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Newest Links
Village Africa
A charity working to alleviate poverty in tanzania
Gerontius Choral Music Resources
Choirs, concerts and choral music resources (uk)
Village Africa
A charity working to alleviate poverty in tanzania
Supporting The Institute Of Cancer Research Uk
The great wall hike - march 2011
Infertility Network Scotland
To offer patients support and information whilst actively raising the issue through the patients voice of infertility
Painted Children
Pre and post natal care
African Charity Zane - Zimbabwe A National Emergency
Uk charity helping zimbabwe. supporting pensioners and developing communities.
Jakarna Wildlife Trust
International wildlife & conservation charity, protecting endangered animals worldwide
Association For Akha Education And Culture In Thailand
Oldest charity in s.e. asia assisting ethnic indigenous minorities and burmese refugees
Central Africa Rights & Aids (cara) Society
Promoting justice, health, education & social development
Burton Wildlife Rescue And Animal Centre
24 hour wildlife rescue

Site News
21 10 2008 Site under new ownership
The UK charities site is now owned by Contrada Ltd and maintained by Alberon.

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Newest Links
Village Africa
Gerontius Choral Music Resources
Village Africa
Supporting The Institute Of Cancer Research Uk
Infertility Network Scotland
Painted Children
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